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When a vulva-owner first starts thinking about getting a sex toy they will inevitably be lead to the world of vibrators. I mean, these things are pretty much synonymous with sex toys these days. This is just how it is.

Vibrators are also some of the most commonly used sex toys for virgins and beginners. As such, it is only natural that a lot of first-timers will start with vibes.

Now, getting a vibrator is always a good idea (I mean, we are a sex toy blog, what did you expect us to say?), but the story starts getting kind of muddy when someone new to sex toys starts looking up which ones to get. They are immediately bombarded with various different vibrator types, price points, and boatloads of reviews.

You will also find content that alludes to “rumbly”, “deep”, “buzzing”, “clit-focused”, etc.

All of this is fine and dandy, but for someone completely new to this, it is not saying a lot.

Due to this, I decided to put together a little guide on what using vibrators feels like. 

To be a bit more specific, I will do my best to describe the sensations offered by different types of vibrators.

Sure, our bodies are individual and the pleasure from a vibrator can feel completely different depending on the person, but I will still do my best to put the sensations into words.

Vibrators can offer a wide range of sensations, from a gentle, tickling pleasure that can even feel soothing in a non-erotic way all the way to very intense and powerful stuff that can be almost intimidating at first. The experience depends on the type of vibrator, its design, and the power levels used (nearly all modern vibrators come with a lot of different settings). 

Here’s a breakdown of different vibrator types, what they feel like, and tips for getting the best experience with each:

Bullet Vibrators

Rabbit Vibrators

Wand Vibrators

G-Spot Vibrators

Clitoral Vibrators

Remote-Controlled Vibrators

Bullet Vibrators

Lovehoney Magic Bullet bullet vibrator

I am going to be honest here – it took me a while to get into bullet vibrators. They are an acquired taste and the sensations provided are pretty different from other stuff out there. A bullet will feel more focused and direct when compared to the alternatives.

They also do not offer flexibility in terms of pleasure. For example, I like using most vibrators on my non-vaginal erogenous zones as well – inner thighs in particular get a lot of action. With a bullet, the toy is just too small to deliver the funsies to places other than the vulva. That said, bullet vibrators are popular for a reason – some prefer how compact, small, and direct they are.

Feel: Bullet vibrators provide focused, intense vibrations in a small, compact form. They typically offer pinpoint stimulation – usually, it is the clit that gets the action, but not necessarily. Feel free to explore places like the outer areas of labia as well.

Experience level: Beginners may find bullet vibrators a bit intense at first due to their concentrated power. Start with lower settings and roam with the bullet all over your vulva and find what gives the best sensation.

Tips for the Best Bullet Experience:

  • Use it for Foreplay: A bullet is small and sleek. It will not get between you and your partner so it is an ideal companion to your pre-penetration ventures.
  • Use it for Targeting Your Tiny Pleasure Spots: As I already wrote, bullet vibrators are pinpoint. If you have a tiny area that reacts best to the touch then a bullet is a good choice.

Toy example: Lovehoney Magic Bullet is dirt-cheap, but damn effective. I would start there if I was planning on trying bullet vibrators.

Rabbit Vibrators

Greedy Girl rabbit vibrator

Feel: A rabbit vibrator is a type of sex toy designed to provide dual stimulation to the user. Named for the distinctive “rabbit ear” shaped clit stimulator that accompanies the main shaft, these vibrators are designed to simultaneously stimulate the clitoris and the G-spot. 

This combination of internal and external stimulation can lead to some intense experiences. The rabbit vibrator was popularized by “Sex and the City” and has since become one of the most well-known types of vibrators.

Experience level: The dual stimulation can be overwhelming for some beginners. With rabbit vibrators, patience is key. Even if it doesn’t immediately “work”, keep experimenting with various angles, positions, and intensity settings. Sometimes, it also helps to only use one side of the toy – slide the clit stimulation part on your body first to get comfortable with it. Then, as the excitement grows, let the tail enter you and go from there.

Tips for the Best Rabbit Experience:

  • Adjust the Angle: Position the rabbit so that both the internal and external stimulators are hitting the right spots. This is completely individual and it may take some time finding pleasurable areas. Especially if you are new to vibrators.
  • Explore the Settings: Rabbit vibrators often come with multiple settings for both the shaft and the external arm. Experiment to find your preferred combination. Again, the only way to know what you will like is to mess around with different rotations, speeds, and angles.
  • Relax: Ensure you are relaxed and aroused before inserting the vibrator to make the experience more enjoyable. This, by the way, is key to pretty much every vibrator. When you are not in the mood and filled with sexual curiosity, you will not have fun. Simple as.

Toy example: If you are interested in exploring rabbit vibrators, feel free to check out our guide on the best rabbit vibrators.

Wand Vibrators

Lovense Domi 2 wand vibrator

Feel: Wand vibrators are known for their powerful vibrations and wide heads, which provide broad stimulation. They are often used for external stimulation but can also be used with attachments for internal stimulation. In a way, a wand vibrator is the opposite of a bullet vibe – here, the sensations are “distributed” to the vulva in an even manner. Every bit gets the action, so to speak.

Experience level: Beginners may find the phallic build and the strong vibrations a little too much at first. That said – wands are generally in a bit of a weird spot. Many sex toy enthusiasts hesitate recommending wands to first-timers, but I have found that these toys have a pretty damn amazing success rate. Even among those buying their first toys. So if this type of toy excites you, I would not hesitate to get it. Even as a first.

Tips for the Best Wand Experience:

  • Use the Low Settings First: Start with the lowest setting and build up to avoid overwhelming sensations.
  • Massage Different Areas: Wands can be used for more than just intimate areas. Try massaging your back, thighs, and other parts of your body to relax and build arousal. My husband, for example, likes using some of the more powerful wands for muscle massage.
  • Use Attachments: Most modern wand vibrators offer the chance of getting different attachments of various sizes and shapes. This adds some novelty to the mix – when you are tired of one attachment or the attachment just doesn’t play well with your body then you can just explore a different one.
  • Use the Wand during intercourse: Pro tip – wands are great for using during sex. Let your partner hold the toy and use it on you while he is penetrating you. Good stuff. Especially during missionary.

Toy example: If a wand seems like something that can tickle your fancy then here is our guide on the best wands. Oh, and if you do end up loving wands…then welcome to the club! Wand vibrators happen to be some of my personal favorite toys with the Lovense Domi 2 being one of my all-time favorite sex toys in general.

G-Spot Vibrators

LELO GIGI 2 g-spot vibrator

Feel: Designed to target the G-spot, these vibrators have a curved tip that provides direct internal stimulation. The sensations are deep, intense, and pretty “different” for a lack of better word.

Experience level: Here, I would make a bold claim and say that G-spot vibrators are not for complete beginners. G-spot stimulation does not work for anyone and some women even describe the sensation as annoying. That said, G-spot vibrators and rabbits are considered some of the best sex toys for squirting so…yeah, those who G-spot vibes REALLY love them.

Tips for the Best G-Spot Vibe Experience:

  • Use Plenty of Lube: G-spot vibrators play well with loads, and I mean loads, of lube. It will make the experience that much better.
  • Experiment with Angles: Adjust the angle of the vibrator to find the most pleasurable position for G-spot stimulation. When it comes to this type of toy then this aspect is especially important. Locating the G-spot is almost science for some women so it is crucial to get the angles right.
  • Be Patient: It can take time to locate and effectively stimulate the G-spot. Relax and explore without pressure. Also, I mentioned squirting and this “act” has been put on a pedestal in lots of sex communities right now. Don’t let this influence you and don’t feel pressure to squirt. Pressure in general kills everything sexual and this is especially true for squirting.

Toy example: LELO GIGI 2 is my suggestion here. It does not sit on the cheap side of things, but the body-friendly design and the number of customization options make it worth it. In general – G-spot vibrators can be considered “advanced” sex toys for most. As such, you will not want to cheap out here.

Clitoral Vibrators

Rose toy clitoral vibrator

Feel: Clitoral vibrators are designed specifically for external stimulation of the clitoris. They come in various shapes and sizes, from small and discreet to larger, more powerful models. Generally speaking though – getting the most powerful toy possible is not something you should focus on when it comes to clit vibrators. As you probably already know, most clits have enough sensitivity on their own.

Experience level: These types of toys are great for beginners. Simply due to the fact that clitoral stimulation is the quickest route to orgasm for most vulva-owners. And, well, we can’t beat biology.

Tips for the Best Clit Vibe Experience:

  • Explore Different Types: Try different shapes and textures to see what feels best.
  • Combine with Penetration: Use the clitoral vibrator alongside penetration for a more intense experience. Similarly to wands, clit vibes can be a wonderful enhancement for penetration. 
  • Vary the Pressure: Light, gentle pressure can feel different from firm pressure. Experiment with various techniques and see which spots and pressure levels feel the best for you. 

Toy example: Ever since exploding on TikTok and other social media channels, the rose toy has been the most popular pick in this toy category and rightly so. Affordable, feels hella nice, and looks cool too. Just works on every level pretty much.

Remote-Controlled Vibrators

Lovense Ferri remote vibrator

Feel: These vibrators can be controlled remotely, either by a partner or via an app. This adds an element of surprise and spontaneity to the experience. The popularity of these toys exploded with the rise of Covid for obvious reasons. Also, if you are in a long-distance scenario then remote-controlled vibrators can help keep things sizzling.

Keep in mind that these days there are remote-control options available in pretty much any toy category. Whether you like a bullet, a rabbit, a clit vibe, or something else entirely, you will find a remote-control option available.

Experience level: The excitement of not knowing what’s coming next can be thrilling but also overwhelming. Consider your relationship status and prior experience with sex toys when getting a remote-control vibrator. Generally speaking though – remote-control vibrators are pretty beginner-friendly.

Tips for the Best Remote Vibe Experience:

  • Communicate with Your Partner: If using with a partner, make sure to settle on what types of scenarios you will use your toy in. Would you be using it in public? Long distances? Will the partner adjust the settings with your direct consent or will you let them lead you blind? All of this should be communicated before using the toy.
  • Use in Different Scenarios: Remote-control vibrators are unique in that they allow you to experiment with some pretty wild stuff. Make use of this opportunity and experiment, experiment, and then experiment some more!

Toy example: Lovense Ferri is the best example here. It is a panty vibrator meant to be worn down there. Small, yet intense, and with great app-connectivity. Also, you can imagine what you could do with this stuff while you are out and about with your partner.

While it is not possible to pass the sensations offered by vibrators through our screens (unfortunately!), I still hope that my little guide was helpful for you. The key takeaway here is this – trying a vibrator can feel intimidating, but it is always worth it in the end.

Sure, there are folks out there who simply do not like the sensations offered by sex toys (and this is completely fine!), but in most cases, vibrators are a worthy investment.

Yes, even if you do not consider yourself to be “that type” of person. 

Keep your sexual wellness levels high and just see how this will also positively affect nearly every other area of your life. Speaking from experience.


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